Saturday, September 21, 2019


Friday, Sept. 20
Visit to Alcatraz

After marching in the Climate protest we headed over to Alcatraz on the ferry. But not before having a terrifying but memorable cab ride from the hotel to the ferry. He was straight from central casting - the prototypical hippy form Haight-Asbury. One way streets, bus lanes, pedestrians did not seem to matter to him.  If a pedestrian or vehicle got in this way he would stop the car and shout out the window at them to "Stop, please!' - he was polite - or get out of the car to yell at them.

We arrived - in excellent time - at the pier and had a beautiful ride to Alcatraz.

Thursday, Sept. 19

From the moment we boarded the plane the trip has been a blast. It’s a good thing the flight terminated in SF because we were having such a good time we may have gotten off the plane.

Our timing has been exquisite in that the run way which had been offline for a few weeks and had caused serious delays and many cancellations came back on line the day we flew. And, we got here in time to march in the Climate protest that crippled traffic in the city for hours!

We went to the Ferry Building for some lunch/dinner and had a pleasant view of the Bay Bridge and decided on Clam Chowder. The chowder provided a couple of surprises - it came with whole clams, including the shells, which we had to remove the clams from; and, as Peg removed the very last clam from its shell she found a long black hair (we assumed human but couldn't be certain) floating in the bowl.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Monday, August 19, 2019

Birthday at Lake Sunapee

I'm looking forward to celebrating my birthday in Sunapee, NH with Peg and my family. We will be staying at the New London Inn.

Image result for new london inn

Also hoping to spend some time on Lake Sunapee. It is the sixth-largest lake located in New Hampshire covering about 4,155 acres in area. Approximately 8.1 miles long (north-south) and from 0.5 to 2.5 miles wide (east-west) with a maximum depth of 112 feet. So far, I have not been able to touch the bottom and return safely on one breath!

It also contains 11 islands and three lighthouses that are on the National Register of Historic Places. It is 1,093 feet above sea level.
Image result for lake sunapee elevation