Saturday, August 24, 2019

Monday, August 19, 2019

Birthday at Lake Sunapee

I'm looking forward to celebrating my birthday in Sunapee, NH with Peg and my family. We will be staying at the New London Inn.

Image result for new london inn

Also hoping to spend some time on Lake Sunapee. It is the sixth-largest lake located in New Hampshire covering about 4,155 acres in area. Approximately 8.1 miles long (north-south) and from 0.5 to 2.5 miles wide (east-west) with a maximum depth of 112 feet. So far, I have not been able to touch the bottom and return safely on one breath!

It also contains 11 islands and three lighthouses that are on the National Register of Historic Places. It is 1,093 feet above sea level.
Image result for lake sunapee elevation